Monday, February 11, 2013

Extract date from timestamp in crystal report 2008

 Using Crystal Report 2008 :

Found a way to extract Date from field which contains Timestamp.

for ex: userevent table there is a table.field which contains timestamp. And i want to convert into a date
while eliminating time .

you can see here;

for example timestamp field contains 20130128145651 this date and time . now i wanted to convert into
01/28/2013 format.

you can try using this formula:

Go to formula -> create a new formula -> type in the below formula

date(tonumber("20" & mid({table.field},3,2)),tonumber(mid({table.field},5,2)),tonumber(mid({table.field},7,2)))

check for errors by clicking x+2 -> save and close.

place the formula in the details section and  preview.

or you check this formula too..

//stringvar dt;

First one worked for me in this case and second one is also similar