Friday, March 8, 2013

Access Crystal Report Using Excel Data

Using Crystal Report with Excel Data !!!

  1. Name the Excel Sheet and Set the Headers with the Field Names highlighted , Bold Letters .
  2. Make sure you format field i.e Currency, date, Text, General, etc.
  3. Now open Crystal Reports , It opens up Database expert or you can click Database expert on the menu bar.
  4. In the DataSources , open a Create a New Connection ->  select Access/Excel (DAO).
  5. You can see a new window to input excel file. Database Name is your file path and Database Type is Excel 8.0 or other (version try it to be latest versions  to eliminate bugs) & click finish
  6. Here on the right side of the window you can see Path Name and the Excel Sheet Name.
  7. Note: If you dont find your Excel Sheet , you may want to check right click on the file name in the database expert -> select option and make sure Table name or owner like is empty. As you are creating a new report .
  8. once you see you table in the field browser, then you have table data which is ready to use.
  9. And Imp is to check the Database -> Log on or off server. -> create a new connection and add in file .
  10. Just to make sure you Set the Database Location & Update right file  in future when you open this report or any other report.As reports may have connection with the previously used data connection . 
  11. Now your report with all connections fixed works well and the report is display accordingly.

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